How to equip students with tools to create a more civil society

I am pleased to announce that I will be working with “Facing History & Ourselves”


We will be delivering a workshop titled “How to equip students with tools to create a more civil society” on Wednesday 18th January at Witton Park Academy. 
Cost £50 per delegate


The overarching questions we aim to answer during the workshop is:


How do we develop citizens who can support and nurture civil society?
What skills and behaviours do we need to develop as citizens to do this important work?


We shall be exploring themes around active citizenship, social activism, identity, belonging, critical thinking, justice, rights and creating social change. By the end of the workshop, you will leave with eight lesson and tools with the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach this course.


We have limited places and we recommend registering early


Please share widely 


If you would like any further information please contact me on:
07872835318 or