The Challenge of being a Multipotentialite 

I’m a multipotentialite, even this term doesn’t accurately and effectively capture who I am, what I do and I how I do things. I’ve been thinking about the direction I am going in and how I need to achieve my many dreams and ideas. 

Recently I’ve been reflecting on:
Where am I going? How do I get there? How do I meet the needs of my family, whilst I continue to face barriers and a lack of income? 
I’ve had time to think about this recently, especially with being injured I have had more time to think and reflect. I’ve had to adopt a slower pace in life, whilst struggling with the pain I am trying to be thankful and present with God.
My diverse experiences, abilities and interests gives me a unique approach to think about problems often creating radical solutions. I need to improve how I can present these ideas and my vision, in order to attract the resources to make them reality. 

I’ve been thinking about my own development and looking into a leadership fellowship, whilst I don’t believe I am a leader and often question my own skills and abilities. Which is bizarre as I’m a confident person with a good awareness of my skills, abilities and knowledge. 
I’ve opened myself to lots of criticism, however I felt the need to share my thoughts. I’m sure there are many who will share these challenges and difficulties. 
Please remember me in your duas 

This is a wonderful Ted Talk on being a multipotentialite: